E-Classes Challenges or Opportunities

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Byएजुकेशन पाटी

१८ श्रावण २०७७, आईतवार
Meenu Subedi


To reduce the risk of Covid 19 pandemic among children and to cope with the adverse situation

Of teaching learning environment, the ministry of education, science and technology has announced a guideline of online teaching strategy on  jestha 18 that  published to implement on first of Asadh onwards. Meanwhile, private schools have already been adapting the mediums of delivering education through communication and technology based on child right of education. However it’s an old practice in most of the countries and mentioned somewhere in the education of Nepal under ministry of education science and technology and carrying the practice on at university level as well but the implementation part in schools & preschool level emerged as a new approach in teaching learning environment, that caused impediment regarding infrastructures technical experts, resources access level, tools materials etc.

Although there are many challenges that must be taken as a matter of discussion so far. Capital city might have enough resources to meet the educational needs of children contrary to students of thousand institutions in community level deprived from educational environment at difference province in local level. Even after the implementation of teaching learning strategy of delivering online education with positive arrangement through radio, TV online, synchronously and asynchronously very few number of students have access on it. According to National  Demographic and Health Survey of 2016 the total ownership of computers in Nepali household was 18% in urban and 4 % in rural. Had the country managed the resources to implement  education successfully, the investment wouldn’t  seem to be quickly make any impact until and unless any survey goes on to the relevant topic, is really local level government getting cooperation from district and central accordingly.

Although there are many challenges that must be taken as a matter of discussion so far. Capital city might have enough resources to meet the educational needs of children contrary to students of thousand institutions in community level deprived from educational environment at difference province in local level.

Is the concerned body equally responsible on its implementation and taking feedback? Weather the resources and materials managed by the government reached to the needies. Among those beneficiaries does this medium of learning created positive environment among the students? Can we expect to have positive impact if we constantly keep on asking to watch the lessons delivered by television and listen through radio?

Weather the local government of each province taking the initiation to make the learning environment fruitful. How far it’s being effective and can collaborate the students.When the engagement and collaboration is lacking in learning, there is a high chance of learning discouragement among the children. Even in a normal situation it was pretty tough to implement right teaching mechanism to address each student  according to their potential, it’s  time to be more prepared and prompt in this multifaceted situation. Are they motivated through the alternate medium of learning in the process of acquiring knowledge and skill. How can a child be assessed his development area! Has Nepal really made a successful shift towards online classes? The matter should be addressed as soon as possible.

      On the other hand in the private education sector, where the early and primary graders are having good exposure to online learning session every twice a day, is really  the digital instruction benefit to the students as recipients, is the lesson plan and activities made in favor of child’s need and interest.(Being confused about online teaching may not give the appropriate outcomes) can virtual classes replace physical classes ?Are they able to develop the ability to share, communicate and have group discussion during the session that addresses  their emotions area. Are they secure on doing assignment and assign them back on time so that they never feel inferior in front of friends. Are the contents and plans enough to reduce maximum screen time? According to WHO reports more than one hour gadgets involvement directly affects the cognitive development of a child, it reduces the capacity of  five sense organs of a child. Until and unless children are given work related to all five sense organs to manipulate, it may hinder the creativity & potential of a child.

Are the children able to continue their attention span through out the session, what makes them distract from their learning,  it requires at least the minimum standard module and  it’s  expansion  otherwise we are depriving the children of their fundamental right. My observation out of 10 students of difference schools, 8 are forced to join E classes unwillingly. Aren’t we imposing same practice of commercial (making money) education system. Students prefer engaging, visually-stimulating, interactive educational materials that require them to collaborate with their peers and use an inquiry-based learning in holistic approach. Simply delivering  contents  in Google Docs, every day is not enough for  today’s  generation, nor does this give the full sense of digital learning, it  requires a shift from a teacher-centered to a student-centered environment so that the students can link their learning to the real world.


The students have introduced with new way of digital learning and able to engage for a certain period of time from distance learning, that can be considered as a support system for parents to manage kids during pandemic.

The teachers and school administration are trained and equipped to run the virtual classes and regular meet with school guardians that made possible for sustainability.

The children became more flexible and skilled of using gadgets purposefully and developed positive attitude towards learning.

This Saved time cost and energy and help students to remain fresh and ready for learning.


Technology is just a medium it cannot represent holistic learning approach. Rather it can be used as a tool to deliver pedagogy. Moreover, parents involvement greatly enhances  child’s learning. Parents active participation and collaboration with teachers such as regular communication, giving feedback, taking, suggestions, regular meetings to interact regarding child’s progress on development and learning would bring more appropriate outcome and create positive environment to connect child’s learning between home and school! Child education is a joint venture between teachers and parents, let’s be cooperative to skilled our children.


– Educator and Analysist



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