Dashain is the main festival of Hindus in Nepal which usually falls in the month of Ashwin or Kartik. This enjoyable festival is celebrated for 15 days. We use to worship Goddess Durga during this festival. According to the Hindu Mythology, in the past Goddess Durga defeated Demon Mahishashur and from that day, people started to celebrate Dashain. So, it is celebrated as the sign of the victory of truth and virtue against injustice and vice. The first day of Dashain is known as ‘Ghatasthapana’. The seventh, 8th, 9th and 10th days of Dashain are called ‘Phulpati’, ‘Maha Aastami’, ‘Maha Nawami’ and ‘Bijaya Dashami’ respectively.
On the auspicious occasion of Dashain, we all use to gather together, wish each other “Happy Dashain” and share our happiness and sorrows with our relatives and friends. But unfortunately, in present situation of global pandemic COVID-19, we cannot celebrate Dashain like we used to celebrate it before. At present, it is quite risky to celebrate festival by gathering together with our relatives and friends. We all are scared and afraid because the Corona Virus might transfer from each other and spread throughout our community which can cause a serious problem. So, we all are obliged to celebrate Dashain by staying at our home in present time. We have to follow all the rules, regulations and guidelines implemented by the government for our safety from COVID-19.
This is the right time to make the best use of technology. Instead of gathering together and greeting each other, this time we can meet our relatives and friends virtually through different online medias like Messenger, Whatsapp, Twiter, Viber, etc. We can wish our relatives “Happy Dashain” with the help of online chat. We can even see the faces of our relatives and friends in online video calls. Through different online social medias, we can share our happiness and sorrows with our friends. This helps to maintain harmonious relationship with our relatives and friends. Although, at present, we cannot meet our relatives and friends physically, we should not feel bored. We should think positive. We are lucky that in this pandemic time also, we can meet each other virtually because of technology. By staying at our home only, we should perform all the religious activities and worship Goddess Durga from the inner core of our heart because our faith towards Goddess Durga matters a lot rather than the decorations.
Let’s celebrate virtual Dashain joyfully and pray Goddess Durga that this global pandemic, Corona Virus will end very soon.
Class: 6
Budhanilkantha School, Kathmandu, Nepal.